Today was my birthday! It was really fun... we stayed home and it was awesome! Chris talked to my mom a few days before and told her he really would like to make me ribs like she does since I've told him how much I like them. So that was one of my birthday surprises was ribs for dinner. Just like how mommy makes =D It made me so happy! And also ever since Christmas and learning about Grinch clues Chris has been doing his own versions. He did this for valentines day and than also today. He hid my presents in the fridge, VHS video case, and under this HUGE salad bowl we got as a wedding present we keep on top of the cabinets. The presents from Chris were an egg pan and tiny spatula to go with it, a rice cooker/veggie steamer, and some yarn. I got a edible bouquet from my in-laws it's very yummy. And got a bunch of scrapbooking supplies from my mom and dad! I've had so much love from everyone today and lots of birthday wishes... couldn't ask for more on my birthday! Thank you everyone for your love and support!
picture time...the bouquetmy egg pan here's a comparison to my normally used pan (I think this picture is really funny! They're supposed to be like eyes ._o <---like that) Just the two of us
For those of you who are my facebook friends there are more pictures there but you get the idea of the fun we had! =D
two blog posts in the same week! Ha ha ha I made a birthday card for my grandma she was born on St. Patty's Day and I was born on her birthday and my nephew was also born on the same day (I also have a cousin born on the same day ... what can I say it's a popular day =D) I thought it turned out really cute so I want to share some pictures...
here's the digital layout I made first I've really have liked doing this before making the card it makes it easier to play around with ideas w/o wasting paper and time... and here's the actual card (I took them with my phone so they aren't the best quality but you get the idea)
here's a close up of the leprechaun (isn't he cute!) and here's the digital layout I'm going to make for my nephew I haven't made it yet...and one more picture here's just the digital of the card I made for my mom, her birthday is the last day of the month in Feb so it's Valentines theme I think it turned out really cute (I should've taken a picture of the finished project)Welp that's what I've been up to lately =D
So I watched the season premier of the show "Parenthood" and I must say I liked it. I think the sneak peek at next weeks show looks like it'll be good. I did cry watching it to night and most likely will be a tear jerker for me. It has some funny moments and some touching ones... we'll see if I actually keep up with it but so far I've liked it =D.
On a side note but related somewhat .... anyone have a baby I can borrow to cuddle with?