Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Catch up .... again

So I had an awesome time in Cali for two weeks (8th-22nd of June) It was sooooo much fun! I went down because my best friend of what 11 years now? (wow crazy it's been that long) graduated from Cali State Bakersfield. I'm really glad I was able to be there I'm so proud of her.
me and Amanda's mom aka my second mom waiting for the ceremony to start

Amanda in line to walk across the stage!!!

She's had a rough year this last year and has handled it so well she's just an amazing person love her so much! We were able to take a trip to the beach and go shopping and go to dinner and a movie and have girls day and so many more fun things! I got to catch up with some old friends and make some new ones, overall just a great at the beach

But I am so happy to be home with my hubby! I missed him lots! And I've actually missed doing the cooking (weird I know) So I've been making him breakfast quite a bit (since he works nights it's like lunch for me and breakfast for him) and I've made a blueberry cream cheese braid (well actually two b/c the recipe is for two of them) that were super yummy and the link is for the recipe if you want to give it a try! and Reese cookies they're chocolate cookies with a peanut butter center! yum, and cool lime cheesecake Delicious! Don't worry we aren't just piggin out by ourselves.(just to clarify these are just things I've been making, not things I've been making us for breakfast lol)*note this isn't a picture of the one I actually made but mine did look just like it =D

Chris has family in town. One of his cousins are getting married this Saturday (yes our anniversary is also on Saturday the 10th... 3 years =D) So we've been sharing the goodies with them. On Saturday we went to the rodeo it was fun I hadn't been to one since I was in high school! So that's what we've been up to as of late.... Hope you are all doing well, all our love!

1 comment:

Rocka said...

Ahhh, the rodeo!! Buttlock!!