Tuesday, August 31, 2010
weight loss progress
So I know I still have a pudge but I don't think it looks bad it just a little cushion ... I'm still planning on working out and loose more but here's some tummy shots. Hopefully you all can see a difference and that I'm not just crazy. (and I'm a bit bloated from being that time of the month so I actually am a bit smaller than this)

Friday, August 27, 2010
Losing inches is fun! Haven't lost anymore pounds which I honesty could weight 500 lbs as long as I looked good lol I don't think that's possible ...well I guess wolverine is pretty heavy with all the metal (yes I'm a nerd, I know) Anyhow the latest measurement update 2 inches off my pudge YAY!
Monday, August 23, 2010
turbo jam
So I know it's not huge, but I've been doing the turbo jam videos for almost a month now, and it's working! I've lost anywhere from 5-8 lbs (my weight fluctuates like no other I swear I can range within 5 lbs within a day! I think it's crazy) and I've lost about an 1-1 1/2 inches around my pudgy area on my tummy which is what bothers me the most the rest of me doesn't bug me at all. I wore a fitted shirt to church yesterday and people actually noticed that I had lost weight! Yay me!
Turbo Jam
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Funniest moment of the day: I was doing a dorky dance, Chris said it was sexy jokingly and than I snorted but it wasn't on purpose... needless to say I couldn't stop laughing for a while. Love my life lol
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
prop 8
I know no one asked me but I honestly couldn't care less if gays get married. I think they should have the same rights as men and women who are married. My issue is once it's illegal they'll bring it into the schools and teach kids about it. I personally don't want my child to be taught about that by someone else. I want to be able to teach my children about what I believe to be a moral issue myself. If that's how someone has chose to live you know that's fine with me, it's not my place to judge or whatever. But once it effects what my child will learn I have a problem... I don't agree with it and don't think that it is morally correct. But I also know that our heavenly father loves them just as much as anyone else and I don't feel any resentment towards them. But again like I said I feel like I should have the right to teach my children when I think when they are old enough to understand and be able to teach them what I believe to be correct. I feel like that is within my rights as an American citizen. That's my stand on it. That also is how I feel about drinking, smoking, having sex outside of marriage, driving like an idot and among other things .... people are going to do what they are going to do whether I agree with it or not I just don't want to be pressed on my or my family is basically what I'm saying.
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