Wednesday, March 14, 2012

5 months old

          Penelope has been 5 months old for a little while now (close to 2 weeks) and she is growing and getting so strong and smart and is still so beautiful. (wow that was a lot of "and"s) She can roll from her back to belly and from her belly to her back and has even rolled over completely quite a few times (back to belly to back). She can hold quite a bit of weight on her legs now, she pretty much just needs us to keep her balanced. She sits pretty well too, she can sit by herself for like 2 seconds before falling over lol. She'll sit in the bumbo for a little while but she likes to sit in her high chair more. We've started feeding her but not a ton really she'll only puts up with trying to eat for so long before she's done and starts to get fussy. (not a ton = a couple of spoonfuls) Obviously she still gets all her nourishment from nursing but she's learning to open up for the spoon really well... she just isn't sure she likes actually food yet. We're working on it. She's mainly practicing eating right now. We've started her with pumpkin, from research we've done and from what our doctor told us that is what we choose to start with. She still laughs and smiles daily. She is still a loud little girl. She loves to squeal, jabber, spit and make motor boat noises. She loves to watch her "Baby Signing Time" video she's learning to sign eat, drink, water, milk, cracker, mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, hurt, and several different animals. She doesn't do the signs yet but she does smile and get excited when she hears the music for the video and will turn her head toward the TV. I think that's probably all that's new really.   

Warning: this post has a TON of pictures

 Sitting in her bumbo, I don't know why but she hold her head back like this a lot when she's in the bumbo.
 Snuggling with daddy after a nap
 Sitting up like a big girl all by herself... she can sit up against the couch like this for a while.
 more snuggling with daddy

 She loves to listen to daddy whistle
 I'll give you one guess at who dressed Penelope in this picture. If you guess that person hold her you'd be correct.
 The before shot
 Another time

 She LOVES that duck. You pull it and it plays twinkle twinkle little star. When it starts to play she smiles and will hold on to it.

 A few little smirks

 lol love her face
 She makes this face quite a bit too
 I wish I could get one of these smiles without it being blurry

Her eyelashes are getting longer and curler they are so pretty. 

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