Man where has the time gone? Our beautiful little girl is 6 months old! She loves to stand. She gets pretty excited when she is standing and starts to breath heavily. She is our little mouth breather. She's been told that she sounds like a little pug both by her dad and a woman at church. She can sit up by herself for a bit before the flops over lol and she can sit even longer if she propped up against the couch. She reaches for EVERYTHING! I'll be nursing her and she'll reach up to grab my hair, my face or the burp cloth. She can't just lay there and relax she has to be reaching or grabbing something the whole time. When she's on her belly she'll reach out as far as she can for toys. She can put the binky in her mouth by herself.
She hold on to the bowl or cup while we're feeding her and tries to hold on to the spoon too. She eating pumpkin, avocado, and homemade rice cereal (we make all her baby food) She has also gummed up a few animal crackers.
She likes to snuggle with her mommy and she'll lay her head down and snuggle against the floor when she starts to get tired while playing on her belly.
She loves music and hearing me sing (Nothing makes you feel better about your singing voice then an adorable baby smiling at you in encouragement) She chews on any and everything she can get close enough to. She's getting so smart and recognizes the sign for "eat" and "water". She opens her mouth for both.
Her finger nails grow soooo fast and she scratches herself and us all the time. We can never seem to keep on top of her nails (even when we cut and file them they are like little claws) This is the only picture I could get of the scratch under her eye.
She doesn't cry unless she's hurt or tired. But only if she gets hurt by someone else, when she scratches herself, kicks something too hard, or anything like that she doesn't even make a peep.
Penelope's cousin Gretchen is 3 days older than her and I think you can tell they are cousins!
Here's a picture of Gretchen (stolen from Maren's blog)
Gretchen is only 2 days older. September only has 30 days.
Cute pictures of a cute girl! Can't wait for these silly girls to meet.
I guess I counted 30, 1, 2 equaling 3 days. I can't wait for them to meet either!
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