Saturday, May 26, 2012

smiles, curls and more

So Penelope has been much smiley-er (yes I just made up a word) since her tooth has broken through. We have gotten more pictures of her smiling in the last week then we have of her smiling ever! (Ok that might be slightly exaggerated but still)

 She still scrunches up her face when she's frustrated.

She's working on her technique of scooting and it's getting closer to being more like a crawl.

(not the best video of it but it's the best that I got) 

She still loves her pig and snuggles with it at nap time, bed time and if we're going to be out long enough that I'll need to hold her for a nap. At night when it's getting close to bedtime Chris will lay her on his lap and bounce her and she'll talk. It's pretty funny especially when she starts to fall asleep while doing it.

Her hair at the crown is longer than anywhere else because none of it fell out when she was younger. And it curls a bit I think it is super cute.


She likes to chew/suck on her toes if she gets the chance.


She really likes bath time and is usually smiley, talks, giggles and kicks during bath time.



She is FINALLY making an effort to sit for longer periods of time thanks to this thing (I have no idea what you would call it)


Oh and if you look very closely you can see the white speck that is her tooth     

1 comment:

Darby said...

Cute, cute, cute!!!