Thursday, August 2, 2012

10 months!

Ahh where has the time gone? I see pictures of Penny from just a month or two ago and Penny has already changed so much since then. She has FOUR teeth! That in itself is crazy to me. She's a pro at crawling, she pulls herself up on everything.

She has even tried to use a 1/2 inch book as leverage to stand ... it didn't work so well lol. She tries to climb on everything as well.

She has traveled to California in the car and did AMAZING! She slept most of it and when she was awake she talked and jabbered. She has a lot more hair. It's curly if you let it but and wavy if you try and slick the curls down (daddy likes to try and slick her hair down with lotion after bathtime)

She meet a lot of new people in California at Chris's family reunion and then when we went to my parents house. She got to meet both of her great-grandmas on my side that was a lot of fun.

Great-Grandma Garlock 

Great-Grandma Anne (Christenson) 


She is still a huge ham and will smile for our camera she doesn't understand other peoples cameras enough to smile that them. But she knows that when the light on our camera comes on that we're taking a picture and usually will give big smiles.

Just after eating dinner

After getting cleaned up it's funny because she doesn't like being wiped up

 She is just super smiley in general and is usually a very happy girl. She's grumpy when she's tired, hungry, poopy or teething. She gets into everything!  When she wakes up in the morning she stands up in her pack n play and pulls my hair if she can reach it. She is very snugly and loves to touch people. She loves hair and the color black. She likes to try and chew on cords. Still very vocal.

She had a blast seeing Aunt Ashley, Uncle Lars and Cousin Tatum again!

Penny thought Lars was funnier then Tatum did that day. (I'm not going to lie I jumped the first time I watched it just beware Lars might make you jump too) 

She loves Aunt Ashley

 She liked getting really up close and personal with Tatum.... Tatum on the other hand doesn't look too thrilled about it. She has a personal bubble Penny doesn't lol
 Matching bows! Thanks Ashley for the bow :)
 Meeting Amanda!! Oh we had so much fun!

 Meeting Gretchen for the first time!

 Did you know Penny is eating grass? Hey guys, Penny is eating the grass! Look! lol
 Giving Uncle Mike loves

 Mike with both girls
 Snuggles for Aunt Maren
 Swings are soo much fun!
 Gretchen don't you love the swings!!
 My happy VERY loud baby!

Penny is slowly starting to use her signs here she is signing all done 

 And I could just go on all day about her and what new things she's been doing but I think that is a pretty good over view of what she's been up to.

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