The party went so well! We had it at grandma and grandpa Slight's house. I made the decorations, cupcakes and Penny's cake. So many loved ones came Josh, Cherry, Douglas, Zoe and Hank all were able to come. Several of Chris's cousins came Jori, Meisha and the Wamsleys. Of course Chris and I and grandma and grandpa too. And my friend Heidi came and took wonderful pictures! I just got the pictures of Penny's birthday party and had a hard time narrowing down which pictures to post so here are a ton :) Enjoy!

The banner had the pictures from the previous post of her nb to 11 months
Penny's cake
I can't believe I'm ONE!
Loving on Uncle Josh
With cousin Hank
Checking out the present Jori brought for her
Hi Great Grandpa
Playing with Cousins Hank and Zoe
Sharing food with Daddy
Showing Great Grandma my one
Laughing with mommy!
I'm one years old!
She loves her baby Josh and Cherry and the kids got her
The toys Jori got! She loves them, they both make noise and play music
Helping unwrap presents
Jammies from Grandma Burton
My CAKE!!! lol
First taste of the cake
Hmm this is good stuff
It's really good you guys!
Hmm cake!!
Getting kisses from Uncle Josh
Family picture
Feeding daddy
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