Yes I realize I have 3 sidebar ticker things but they were all so cute! lol So I started to keep a journal which I've been calling the baby blog even though it's just a word document since we started trying. And I thought I'd share some of the more exciting entries from it.
Jan 23 at 1:00 am we found out that WE’RE PREGNANT!!! YAY!!! I’m SO excited!
So here’s the story, I begged Chris to get me a pregnancy test because I had been having pregnancy symptoms for about a week. But he said they were a waste of money and that I should just wait till I missed my period. But you can miss your period for several different reasons so that's not a for sure tell of being pregnant. AND I’m super impatient! Lol I asked him to look at the dollar store, Sarah (my oldest sister) told me that she had used the dollar store ones and that those worked great! So he checked at the dollar store and they actually had one for just a dollar our dollar stores are dumb and hardly have things for just a dollar! What is up with that?!? Anyways back to the story I took a nap while watching Ghost Whisperer, and when I woke up I had to pee and I couldn't resist testing because I had a test! I was a little worried though because on the directions it said you could test as early as your first missed day. I wasn't expecting to miss my period for another 3 days or so. But I wanted to test anyways, so I was sneaky and brought a cup in with me to the bathroom so I could catch my “sample”. OH a really cool thing with this test it only needed 4 drops of pee! How cool is that only 4 drops!! I thought that was awesome! So I peed in the cup and used the little dropper that came with the test. Put in my 4 drops and waited for the results and it was POSTIVE! How stinkin exciting!!! I came out of the bathroom and grabbed the onesie and booties I had made to give to Chris as my way of telling him we’re pregnant. I gave him the onesie, booties and showed him the test with the result chart thinger. And he just looked at it and was all does that mean we're pregnant? And I just smiled and nodded. I teared up a bit happy tears of course! That’s when we took pictures! Chris is very excited as well! And loves his onesie and booties! (Well he won’t actually be wearing them but you know what I mean) And that’s the story of how we found out we’re pregnant!

Jan 30th So I like to chat before going to bed, so I'll talk with Chris while we're getting all cozy in bed to fall asleep. So last night I asked him if he had a preference to whiter the baby is a boy or girl? He said yes but he didn't want to say which one he wanted ... so I assumed he wanted a boy b/c he knows I love the idea of having a girl and that he didn't want to say that he wanted a boy b/c of that. Of course I'll be thrilled no matter what as long as baby is happy and healthy. And I told him it’s fine if you want a boy I'm not going to be upset or anything if you do, most daddys do want boys. But he still wouldn't tell me what he was hoping the baby would be; because he said, "If I say it out loud it won't come true" It's not a birthday wish! lol So I kept bugging him because I really wanted to know! And he wants baby to be a girl! I thought that was so sweet because usually guys are all I want a boy and blah blah blah manly crap blah blah blah. Cute huh! He had so much fun with his little cousin (Tressa Slight) while they were here in July she LOVED him and just wanted to be held and snuggle with him and stuff so I think that's one of the reasons why he wants a girl. But he isn't sure why he just really wants it to be a girl! *sigh* so sweet! I love it! =D
Sun Jan 31st
I’ve been really emotional. This morning I was really snippy and irritable. On our way home from church I was really annoyed at Chris and then once we got home and out of the car I was laughing really hard. Chris asked, “So how are those mood swings coming?” And I’ve been crying at stuff more than normal (yes I am a crier) The other day I cried at an animal abuse commercial (which I usually cry at anyways) than tonight we watched Toy Story 3 and I cried at the parts I had when I watched it before but today I couldn’t not stop crying and it wasn’t even at the sad part anymore and I was laughing while crying because it was so silly! I was really crying too not just a few tears down my cheeks but like I couldn’t breathe I was crying that badly! Chris thought it was hilarious and told me that I had to go write about it in this while it was still fresh in my memory.
Sat Feb 19th I’m so in love with Christopher, that’s pretty much it. I told him I wanted French fries and when he went out to run errands he got me some :) I’m so excited to have this baby with him. He is so cute with kids and babies; I can just imagine how good of a father he is going to be. It makes me love him that much more. I can’t wait to see him with our baby! Thinking about it makes me melt! Life is good.
Mar Sun 20th So three days a go I turned 24! Man these last 6 years have flown by sooo quickly! I am now the age Chris was when we first meet and started dating! Don’t tell him but that makes me feel old! I remember how in shock I was when I found out that he was 24, me being 18 that seemed to be old lol. I had no clue why he’d be interested in me, I was fresh out of high school and he had been home from his mission for 2 whole years!! Turns out that if you know Chris age doesn’t matter to him. He is an amazing guy and he thought that I was fun and cute so it didn’t matter to him that I was young. He wasn’t trying to take advantage of my young age either which was an other concern of mine. Anyways I didn’t mean to go off on when I met Chris. I actually was going to talk about that day and why it was such an awesome birthday! We finally got to see baby!! And not only did we get to see baby we got to hear baby’s heartbeat!!! Oh my goodness! It was amazing!!! I loved it! I expected to cry, but I didn’t I just was in awe, there’s really a baby in there! All I could do was smile and look at baby and Chris. It was a great moment! I love the middle ultrasound picture I think baby looks like he/she is smiling! It makes me happy; Chris just laughs at me and is like yeah uh huh baby’s smiling lol Oh and we’re 5 days farther along than we thought! I thought that I would be a few days under 12 weeks but baby was measuring at 12 weeks 2 days. So our due date is Sept 27th. We thought that it’d be Oct 2nd.

Those are the major highlights of our pregnancy so far.We'll being getting the ultrasound done to see if baby is a boy or girl in about a month! So we're really excited!