Monday, January 30, 2012

4 months

 Penny is 3 days away from being 4 months old now! It's so crazy how the time has flown. Quite a bit has changed since I last blogged. Penny giggles daily now, and has had quite a few laugh attacks! So stinken cute! She is so so so close to being able to roll over. She still loves to stuck on every and anything she can get close enough to her mouth. That has included but not limited to: her hands, her toes, my hands/fingers, Chris's nose, my cheeks, her clothes, the legs on her octopus toy, the hanging sun on an other toy, burp cloths and so much more. She been doing this thing where she'll chew on her pointer fingers while talking it's pretty funny. She also has been know to try and fit her whole fist into her mouth lol. She blows raspberries... well I'm not sure if I should call them raspberries she doesn't do it with her tongue but with her lips. We make that noise to her and now she does it too! She has become very vocal! She'll talk and squeal and make chewbacca noises. And can be very VERY loud with them. She goes down for naps sooooo easily now. In fact I'm in love with how easy she's become. She hardly throws fits anymore and usually is in a good mood. It is so so nice! She also takes her vitamins more easily. She used to kind of choke on them a bit. But she swallows them like a champ 
 She likes to take showers with daddy and will try to lick at the water. She doesn't mind getting dried and dressed anymore. She usually isn't smiley but she doesn't mind it now.
 She still likes to snuggle up on my shoulder and is my lovey little girl

 She likes to smile but it is really hard to get on camera because she usually finds the camera distracting
 She does this a lot where she'll hold the binky and suck on her hand instead

 Here she is chewing on the sun
 Doing tummy time... still doesn't love tummy time but still doesn't mind it.
 She is very sensitive to noises and want's to know where they are coming from. So she is always try to look at the TV when it's on... here she is bending over backward to try to look at it.

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